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Beware of recruitment about fraud announcement
Source:Xi'an Hancheng Lake National Water Conservancy Scenic Area | Posted:2012-09-14 | Browse: 1408 【Close

Recently, the company received many times people to reflect, individual unit or individual using the company issued in the name recruitment information, cheat job seekers. This job seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests and the company's corporate image, in society caused very bad influence.

Therefore, my company solemnly stated: my company except China business signs up for, xian evening outside, not entrust any intermediary institutions recruitment, if you received similar fraud information or are related infringement, please timely call 110 or report it to the police, and assist the police will lawless elements to justice.

Hereby announcement!

Xian Seoul lake industrial co., LTD

On May 23, 2012

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