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 Not ended area safe production ZiXunRi activities held in Seoul lake
    Recently, not ended area 2012 safety production promotion, ZiXunRi activities held in Seoul lake, city safety supervision bureau, not ended area main leadership to attend activities, a total of more than 400 pe...
Source:Xi'an Hancheng Lake National W  Posted:2012-09-14  Browse:1759 Times 
 Water conservancy reconnaissance technology exchange meeting held in Seoul lake
    Recently, the Yellow River basin (film) the first national water conservancy reconnaissance audit consolidated technology exchange meeting held in Seoul lake. The state council, deputy director of the water con...
Source:Xi'an Hancheng Lake National W  Posted:2012-09-14  Browse:797 Times 
 City business bureau and business investigation group to Seoul lake
    June 14, xian by the bureau of commerce organization of the wenzhou chamber of commerce and local chamber of commerce business delegation to Seoul lake, and carry out trade butt, investment inspection activitie...
Source:Xi'an Hancheng Lake National W  Posted:2012-09-14  Browse:748 Times 
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